With the ever growing complexity of civilization and increasing pace of life there is a need to equip the children of today to meet the challenges of life in the future. For this education is an indispensable part of life. Counselling, in the educational context , signifies a very important and vital part of educational activity. It is indeed an important dimension of education.
Many students at different levels of education have been found to function at levels far below their abilities and capabilities. Often it has been noticed that sharp and intelligent students fail at later stages. This situation seems to be difficult to be answered. But, of course, there is a solution: yes, it is Counselling. Counselling assistance would certainly help to sharpen the academic and other skills of the students.
During the initial days, the students at school/college face a host of problems due to diffculties in adjusting themselve to the new environment.
A few of them are out lined follows:
1. Students are very conscious about their personal appearance.
2. Students complain about their inability to speak in English.
3. Students express their inability to understand and study in english medium.
4. Some introvert Students remain aloof, talking with only very few people.
5. Some students are always in self depressed mood because of their behavior or physical and mental factors also.
Students’ difficulties and problems can only be solved by the sympathetic attention from their teachers. Thus, it highlights the significance of the teacher’s role in the overall development of the student.
AREAS OF COUNSELLING: Counselling is required at all levels and it should be a continuous process to provide proper guidance to the students.
Counselling is required at “4 levels”.
PRIMARY LEVEL: The children at primary level will not have any maturity of mind; they face lots of difficulties in adjusting to the school, because they miss their parents and home. Counseling at this level should involve helping the child in learning and making their experiences enjoyable. This is the stage where the child passes through transition.Counselling should be done in such a way that the child breaks the emotional attachment with home. After 0-3 years the child has to spend a major period of time in school and it is the school which has to engage them for most part of their lives. Since the child spends longer time in the school, he has to be properly guided & counseled by the teachers.
SECONDARY LEVEL: The maturity of the student will be around early adolescence and post puberty. At this stage the students try to exhibit their ideas, feelings, interests, emotions, fashions and freedom. Counseling at this stage involve in showing warmth and friendliness to them, so that they feel free to express their problems. A lot of care and vigilance has to be taken at this stage. If a student is neglected at this level he / she may develop frustrations and may go into depression. Counseling should help the student in such a way that he will be able to understand better his aims, goals, special skills and values and also maintain social relationships that pave the way for a progressive life.
HIGHER LEVEL: At the stage of adulthood, mind of the students is mixed up with several things. They require assistance for both their personal and professional problems. Counselling at this level should help them to understand themselves to be independent, honest, dedicated and responsible for their actions and lead a good social life and become responsible citizens of the society.
HOME LEVEL: Most of the students face problems generally which are aroused from their home environment. The family and the parents’ behavior will have a lot of impact on the child. It depends upon how he /she reacts - either positively or negatively. Apart from the teachers and counselors, the parents should also take an active part in these counselling sessions and guide their childrens. Family is the first school where the child learns first.
• Management of the educational institutions
• Teachers
• Parents and
• Students
Managements of schools and colleges need to have possitive attitude towards students. Teachers should not merely impart the intellectual skills and knowledge but also should help the students know how to learn and respond to the challenges of the environment. Parents’ contribution is also required a lot for the overall development of the student. Students at higher level have to come out with their problems and get counseling or guidance from their teachers or elders.
Apart from the regular academic schedule, the educational institutions have to provide counselling services to the students. It not only benefits the students a lot but the institution also. By counselling, the teacher can come to know the strengths and weaknesses, mental and physical health conditions of the students and, thereby, suggest some remedial services for which the parents also need to cooperate.
Inputs Courtesy – B.Madhura
(Research Scholar)