PROJECTS are the most important and crucial aspect for B.Tech Final year students. It adds value to student’s performance in their final semester. Making a successful and ideological project will enhance a student’s understanding the in-depth and real concept behind the theory.
A student’s profile is always aimed at his level of performance in his/her exams, though the age old process to discover a student’s level of knowledge through conducting exams is recommendable, It’s seems to be quiet insignificant to judge totally on his/her performance only in testing his capability based on the theoretical part of the subject. If a student is given a chance to explore on subject and made to do a live project, he/she can definitely bring in their inbuilt knowledge in dealing with the subject. Thus it becomes very intensive pre-requisite for any mode of education to have a practical project on the subject they have learned.
Engineering students are fortunate enough to avail this opportunity of exploring their subjects in realistic mode and come out in practical way with their projects of their own choice.
List of projects for CSE & IT students for the year 2009-2010 in C/C++ /Java/J2ee/Struts /Hibernate/.NET technologies
Core Java/ J2EE Projects
1. Bank Off-site Supervision System: The Supervisory Agency (Regulator), which in many cases is housed in the Central Bank of a country, monitors the safety and soundness of the banking system. One of the key components of effective bank supervision is the review and analysis of returns (call reports that banks are required to submit periodically to the Regulator). The content, format, and frequency of these returns are defined in the banking laws and regulations of the country. The Bank Off-site Supervision System is an information system primarily designed to support the off-site supervision role of the Regulator. These activities include the processing, analysis, and evaluation of financial reports submitted by banks operating in the domestic economy.
Technologies: Java, Windows, JBoss, Eclipse.
2. Desktop Search Tool:
Design and Develop a system which searched the desktop for entered search criteria using java.
Technologies: Java, Eclipse, Windows.
3. Hotel Managements System:
Design and Develop a stand alone system to manage the hotel related functions like availability check, reservations etc.,
Technologies: Java, Servlets, Jsp, Eclipse, Windows, Tomcat.
4. I18N System for Java: Design and Develop a system for internationalization of Java projects. Allows independent translation of a project by different translators, keeps track of newly needed translations. Works on top of Java Resource Bundle system.
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
5. J2ee Faculty Evaluation System:
Design and Develop a system that evaluates J2ee Faculty and also should generate reports to be presented from the results.
Technologies: Java, J2ee, Windows, Eclipse.
6. Java Transliterate System:
Design and Develop a java based language translileterator system which would translate from one language to another language.
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
7. Java HTMl Tree Rendering System :
Design and Develop a system that easily render HTML trees from javax.swing.tree.TreeModels
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
8. Matrix Calculator:
Design and Develop a system that calculates Matrix (2 dimensional etc.).
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
9. Personal Notes System:
Design and Develop a system that acts as Java desktop application for personal information management.
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
10. DHTML Calendar Widget: The DHTML Calendar widget is an (HTML) user interface element that gives end-users a friendly way to select date and time. It works in a web browser. Design this calendar for multiple purposes like popup & flat calendar.
Technologies: Java, Java script, DHTML, Windows, Eclipse.
11. Java Based Shopping System: Design and Develop a web based shopping system that caters to the online shopping requirements with effective functionality.
Technologies: Java, J2ee, Eclipse, Windows.
12. JSP Web Project:
Technologies: Java, JSP, MySQL, Windows, Eclipse.
13. File Rename System: Design and Develop a java based stand alone system that renames the entered file names in both GUI and Command modes.
Technologies: Java, SWING, Windows, Eclipse.
14. SMS System: Design and Develop a java based SMS system that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages.
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
15. Local projects Database Tool:
SMS System is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending
and processing of incoming SMS messages.
Technologies: Java, J2ee, Eclipse, MySQL, Windows.
16. RDF Storage Engine:
Design and Develop a system simple, yet highly scalable RDBMS-backed RDF storage engine. This is a Java library for projects that need persistent, transaction-capable storage and querying of very large quantities of RDF data.
Technologies: Java, JDBC, Windows, Eclipse.
17. Bulletin Board Service:
Design and Develop a simple yet powerful bulletin board service that allow users to perform various activities like customized avatars, chat, change profile etc.,
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Script, Windows, MySQL, Eclipse.
18. Stock Management System:
Design and Develop a web based Stock or Inventory Management system that will different features like Board the Stock, Admin activities etc.,.
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Script, Windows, MySQL, Eclipse.
19. Personal Cash Flow Forecaster:
Design and Develop a java based system that will keep track of the personal cash flow on daily basis. System should able to generate Graph based reports.
Technologies: Java, Eclipse, Windows.
20. Personal Blog System:
Design and Develop a web based Personal Blog system that caters to the needs of blogging for the users.
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Script, Windows, MySQL, Eclipse.
21. Photo Management System:
Design and develop web based photo management system for the online users with rich features.
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Script, Windows, MySQL, Eclipse.
22. Photo Database :
Design and Develop a web based Photo Database / Album Web using J2ee technologies
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Script, Windows, MySQL, Eclipse.
23. HTTP Request Validation System:
Design and Develop a system that validates HTTP requests. Deploy it as a J2EE filter or integrated into servlets and JSPs. Specify simple regex-based rules in XML-based Security Validation Description Language (SVDL). Flexible logging and error handling also part of the requirements.
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Windows, Eclipse.
24. Resource Planning System: Design and Develop a complete ERP package written entirely in Java with J2EE compliance.
Technologies: Java, Eclipse, Windows.
25. X Calculator:
Design and develop a scientific calculator using Java. XCalc is an infix calculator for mobile devices that support J2ME, MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0. Its main features are 2d and 3d plotting of functions and its usability. It uses the Real. java library
Technologies: Java, Swing, Windows, Eclipse.
26. Protocol Address Calculator:
Design and Develop a Internet Protocol Address Calculator that will assist network administrators to perform calculations over both IPv4 and IPv6 address space.
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
27. Java Calculator Suite:
Java Calculator Suite (jcs) is a collection of Java classes related to expression calculators written in Java. Suports Booleans, large numbers, machine numbers, most operators and about 25 different functions.
28. Exchange Calculator :
Design and Develop a java based calculator that facilitates daily and historical currency conversion, chart view of historical rates trend, exchange rates
Technologies: Java, Windows, Eclipse.
Here are some more :
Core Java/ J2EE Projects
v Project Time Tracker
v Code Quality Checker
v Layer Dependency System
v DBProcess Analyzer
v Factory System
v FileResourceAdapter
v Car Rental System
v Astrology System
v Resource Accelerator System
v Anywhere SQL System
v SQuelch
v Time Slot Tracker
v To-Do System
v Up-to-Date System
Image Processing Projects
v Java Image Application
v Hand Written Number Recognition System
Networking Projects
v Time Tracking Environment
v Argentum 2D Game
v Server Configuration System
v DNS Update System
v Delay Tolerant Networking System
v Social Networking System
v Genealogical Management
v Distributed Genetic Algorithm framework
v Java Multi User Domain Server
v Automatic Charset Detection Algorithm
v Java Tool Box System
v IPv6 for Java
v WASTE Protocol System
v Java Utility
v Secure Service Discovery Protocol
v Classpath Management System
v Microprocessor Emulator
v Multithreading Java Webserver
v Poker Game
v POP3/IMAP server
v Port-Relaying System
v Design and Implementation of fully loaded LCD clock using Swings and Java.
v URLFilter
v Date Utility Component
v Sort Table Component:
v Java Script Calendar
v MeTa tool:
v Dynamic MultiField Comparator Utility
v PassCrypt
v Query Engine
v URL Reader
v File Manager
v File Compare
v Zip – Unzip
v Date Validation and Conversion
v Equation Engine
v Number Utility
v Path Utility
v Online VC
v Unit Conversion API
v Date Splitter
v Database Monitor System
v Calendar Component
v JCompilerInvoker
v Check Style
v JFreeChart Customization
v Online Assessment Tool
v SplitPageHolder
v Automated eGreeting System
v Folder Creator
v JCompilerInvoker
v JTextNumeric
v KLOC Meter
v Pagination & Upload System
v Parser
v Post Office [A Mail Utility]
v Property Retrieval
v Read Word Document System
v Activity Track
v Argument & Configuration Loader (C++)
v Implement Audio File Library for UNIX C
v Online Community Service Portal
v Bay Area
v Risk Management Automation Project (Struts)
v Bulletin Board Service (Struts)
v My Calendar
v Design and Implement Compiler (C++ or Core Java)
v DBUtility Component
v E-Learning system (Struts Optional
v Employee Track System
v PDFGen System
v Online Civil Services
v Java Paint Brush
v Jchart Generation
v Knowledge Base System (KBS)
v JLaunch Pad
v Online DVD Store
v Online Gift Shop
v Particle Effect Visualize Simulation Using Simple Algorithm (C++)
v Placement Office Automation
v Online Realtors
v Online Shop with Gift-Vouchers
v Scheduler Component
v Online Admission System
v Compare IT
v Intranet Chat System
v ATM Simulation
v Intranet Mailing System
v Bug Report and Tracking System
v Client Provisioning System
v Hatcheries Management System
v Poultry Management System
v Online Travel Services (Struts)
v Global Watch List Tool
v Java Matrix Calculator
v Image Disparity Analysis
v Stable Matching Algoriths
v Handwritten Number Recognition (Image Processing & AI)
v Image Restoration and Inpainting (C++/Java)
v Java Image Viewer
v Computer Vision in C-Sharp
v E-Transaction Interface
v Server
v JChat Box
v Java FTP Client
v EasyExcel Exporter
v Auto Completion Combo Box
v File Upload and View Web Application