The aspirants to various examinations like IIT (JEE), AIEEE, AIIMS, EAMCET and other such competitive examinations are now quite busy preparing for their final +2 examination, as it is a qualifying examination. Especially the marks obtained at the +2 level are taken into consideration for allotment of ranks at EAMCET-2009.
The number of aspirants to IIT (JEE) and AIEEE is increasing every year in Andhra Pradesh.
While preparing for inorganic chemistry, a good insight into the chapters like periodic classification of elements, chemical bonding (which is also a must for organic chemistry) stoichiometry, redox reactions is a must. The examiners are specially focusing their attention on coordination chemistry and qualitative analysis solving various problems on qualitative analysis, which have already appeared in the previous papers, will give the students a good insight into the subject. Sometimes the problems framed on the reactions, which appear in the groups of periodic table covering all aspects of transition elements with special emphasis on coordination compounds are also essential.
As regards organic chemistry nomenclature, isomerism (more so stereoisomerism and stereo chemistry) fundamentals of organic chemistry are essential for mastering this subject. At the initial stage, the students feel it difficult, but they can slowly overcome the difficulties by constant practice of the reaction mechanisms and doing exercises. Using suitable reagents for the reaction is yet another important aspect in mastering organic chemistry.
As regards the preparation for physical chemistry, some topics like solid state surface chemistry are not much related with other topics and can be learnt independently; whereas to master topics like electrochemistry, one should possess good knowledge of topics like solutions, chemical kinetics, chemical and ionic equilibria, thermodynamics etc. Gaseous state is closely related to thermodynamics.
The above aspects are not exhaustive, and are well known to the students who prepare well. Finally, I wish all the aspirants all the best for the ensuing examinations.