How is EAMCET (Medical) different from IPE?
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EAMCET is an objective oriented examination without any choice in the number of questions. But there are 4 options for each question and the examinee is expected to choose one of them. All 160 questions are to be answered in 3 hours. The absence of awarding of negative marks for the wrong answers gave scope for guessing / gambling. However the examinees are expected to be thorough with all concepts, formulae and definitions along with the subject matter. Cramming / mug up methods do not help in EAMCET. A clear understanding of p r i n c i p l e s phenomena and their applications pays dividends in EAMCET.
EAMCET (Medical): It is different from the engineering stream as the degree of competition is more in the medical stream. The competition in the engineering stream is only for choosing good branches and good colleges because every qualified examinee is assured of a seat in some branch and some college. The intensity of competition in the medical stream is very high as there are 4300 MBBS seats (Govt. - 1900 + Private – 2300) and the number of seats in BDS is about 1500 (Govt. - 180 + Private -1320). The craze is only for MBBS because medicine is the noblest of all professions.
Life sciences are crucial for success in any medical entrance: In our EAMCET there are 80 questions (B – 40 + Z – 40) from biology when compared to 40 in each of physics and chemistry. Further, the ranks are ordered first on the basis of marks in biology whenever there is a tie up. All medical aspirants should aim to score 75+ out of 80 in biology.
How to score the maximum marks in biology?
• At first concentrate at the subtopic level on each and every point printed in bold in the Telugu academy text books. Note the key points and terms in each of the subtopics.
• Soon after the completion of IPE, start the revision of major chapters first and practice EAMCET model exercises keeping time.
• Analyse the nature of mistakes in each field and revise those subtopics again.
• Rely on synopsis, flow charts, acronyms etc for quick revision in the final phase of preparation.
• Get a comprehensive idea of the types of questions that appeared in EAMCET by going through EAMCET papers to orient your preparation.
• A survey EAMCET papers of last 5 years in botany revealed that at least 10 – 12 questions appeared from morphology and taxonomy.
• Prepare a comparative chart of the modifications of roots, stems, leaves with specific examples for quick revision in the last phase.
• Prepare synopsis, acronyms and flow charts related to venation, pollination, embryo sacs, placentation, fruits and families for quick recapitulation.
• Pay keen attention on cell biology (3 Q), histology and anatomy (3 Q) also.
• As, two questions from each of ecology and plant genetics are expected, concentrate on xerophytes and hydrophytes, Mendel’s principles, crossing over linkage and mutations.
• In the second year, the important topics to which top priority is to be given in the revision are those of plant physiology (8 – 10 Q)
. A thorough understanding of the concepts, reactions and their applications is very much essential. As such put in more effort and spare more time to practice as
many exercises as possible. The top score in botany usually depends on the performance in this chapter.
• After plant physiology you are to focus your attention on plant breeding (2 Q), biotech (1 Q), tissue culture (1 Q), SCP and MC (1 or 2 Q).
• Plant kingdom takes less time for revision and an easy chapter. About 5 questions are expected from this chapter.
• Microbiology (2Q) is a purely memory based chapter. Prepare synopsis, tables and memory capsules on bacteria and viruses for quick recollection.
Examine the following table to get an idea about the number of questions in each category.
MCQ type : 21
Matching type : 07
Statement / Link type : 07
A/R type : 04
Sequence type : 01
Total : 40
It is the easiest among the four subjects for any medical entrance because most of the questions in Zoology are related to the human body directly or indirectly which provide interest and curiosity.
• The important chapters in the first year zoology are Arthropoda (4Q), Annelida (2 or 3Q), Animal associations (2 or 3 Q), Animal Phyla (3Q), Animal organization (2 or 3Q) and Locomotion and Reproduction in Protozoa (2Q).
• As such top priority for revision is to be given for these chapters. Prepare synopsis, flow charts and memory capsules on animal phyla, mouth parts, and economic
importance of insects, blood vessels, nephridia and reproductive organs in Pheretima for quick revision.
• Make a comparative study of parasites, their life cycles and pathogenic effects.
• Practice different types of questions on conjugation in Vorticella.
• Average students may pay limited attention to MAB as it is a dry chapter. Concentrate on important aspects of this chapter on which questions were asked in the previous exams.
• Be thorough with every aspect of the first unit which is a small and easy chapter.
• In the second year, chapters on rabbit i.e., III, IV and V units are crucial chapters because 9 to 10 questions appeared in every p r e v i o u s
• Pay keen attention on the chapters in rabbit from the
objective point of view while making a revision of
those topics for IPE.
• The next in priority are genetics and applied biology
from which about 6 questions are e x p e c t e d .
These two are heterogeneous chapters which require thorough understanding and a lot of practice. The performance in these chapters will determine the top score in Zoology.
Practice as many exercises as possible on these chapters.
• Organic evolution, units I & II are small chapters and mostly memory based. About 6 questions are expected from these 3 chapters.
MCQ type : 26
Matching type : 06
Statement / Link type : 02
A/R type : 03
Sequence type : 03
Total : 40
Note: In EAMCET 2010 Zoology 23 questions from SR Inter and 17 questions from JR Inter were given.
• It is a key subject to get state ranks. To get a rank
below thousand for the average students who did not possess good foundation on basics, a minimum score of
15 marks out of 40 will be enough if, those students score 112 to 115 out of 120 in biology and chemistry put together.
• The average students need not get worried about their low scores in the practice tests in physics.
• 25 out of 40 questions will be based on concepts, principles, definitions and formulae given in their text books and are with in the reach of an average student.
• Heats, modern physics, properties of matter, friction, wave motion, magnetism, current electricity, physical optics are prime chapters for the average students. A
thorough preparation in these chapters will help them to score around 20 marks.
MCQ Type (Numerical) : 28
MCQ Type (Conceptual) : 10
Matching Type : 01
Statement / Link Type : -
A/R Type : -
Sequence Type : 01
Total : 40
• Chances of scoring high marks in chemistry are better than the other subjects because EAMCET papers in hemistry are found to be easy.
• High scoring in chemistry is essential either for a top rank or a rank below 1000.
• Chemistry syllabus is heavy and needs more time for preparation.
• Organic chemistry is the utmost important chapter to which top priority is to be given as 10 questions are expected from it.
• The students are advised to concentrate on preparation and properties of is organic compounds.
• Frequent revision of topics and regular practice of test papers are very much essential to sharpen reflexes.
• From the chapter on groups about 8 questions are expected. Comparative study with the help of flow charts will enhance the recapitulation.
• About 16 questions are expected from the physical chemistry. Practice problems on this chapter vigorously.
• General chemistry is purely memory based chapter. Focus your attention on biomolecules, polymers, chemistry in every day life while preparing for IPE.
MCQ Type : 34
Matching Type : 01
Statement / Link Type : 02
A/R Type : 01
Sequence Type : 02
Total : 40
? Mind setup: The students must have self confidence and positive approach. They should feel that they are almost thorough in their preparation. Remember that “It is the attitude rather than the aptitude which helps us reach our altitude”
? Parent attitude and help: Parents in their anxiety to help their wards may insist on solving too many model papers collected by them from different sources. Parents should refrain themselves from insisting on such things. The parents should try to boost up the morale of their wards.
? Food habits: Healthy body provides a healthy mind. Health depends up on food habits. Students should prefer to take nutritious, easily digestible and fibrous items instead of oily, fried / roasted or junk food items. Glucose rich food items are preferable as brain can utilize glucose only.
? Discuss the subject after revision with your friend who is well prepared.
? Don’t try to read every point of the text book in the last leg of preparation.
Concentrate on synopsis and try to recapitulate.
? Do not compare yourself with your classmates and get worried about your low scores. “Slow and steady wins the race”
? Based on your category (reservation), assess yourself and find the gap between your score and seat getting score to fill up the gap. Accordingly step up your preparation in the areas where there is scope for
• Planning, pra c t i c e , perseverance, t i m e management a n d init iat ive are the basic tools
for success.
Remember the proverb “Fail to plan is plan to fail”. Action without planning is like aiming at without any target.
• Plan your study schedule for the preparation of EAMCET for about 45 days (time available after IPE) subject wise for each day at the rate of 14 hours.
• After a thorough revision of each chapter in each subject, practice solving questions from model test papers and previous EAMCET papers related to those chapters.
• Try to rectify the mistakes made in each practice test immediately.
• Visualize a target score and repeat it twice or thrice in your mind every day, so that it will remind you about your goal.
• Time management: A minute lost is a minute lost forever as time can not be accumulated. Know the value of time, snatch, seize and utilize every minute of
it. Let there be no procrastination.
Initiative : Take the initiative to clear your doubts from time to time by seeking an interaction with your teacher or a well prepared friend.
Do’s and Don’ts for EAMCET
??Feel that EAMCET is the final practice test
??Perfect yourself in the chapters prepared well
??Practice EAMCET papers of last five years, after practicing a few mock test papers on the complete syllabus
??Try to learn from your mistakes in the practice / mock tests by revising the respective topics
??Cultivate the habit of marking the answer on OMR simultaneously
?? Answer the damsure questions in the first phase in each subject
?? Answer those few questions in the second phase after the first phase by reading the question and options carefully at least twice.
??Read the stem carefully. Note the key word and also read the options completely
?? Beware of correct / incorrect statements
??Read the A/R type questions completely and mark the answer as per the version in your text books
??Check whether you have put your hall ticket number on the OMR sheet correctly or not before your leave the hall
??Try to reach exam centre 2 hours before the starting time and relax in near by area
?? Do not think too much on EAMCET and undergo stress.
??Do not try to read too many books / guides
??Do not practice all sorts of mock papers
??Do not forget to learn from your mistakes if, repeated in mock tests
??Do not mark your answers on the rough work sheet and try to transfer to the OMR at the end and miss the order which may result in losing the rank
?? Do not waste time on any question thinking too long in finding an answer to it in the first phase
??Do not forget to mark on the OMR correctly for the questions left in the first phase without missing the sequence
??Do not try to mark the answer in haste without reading the stem of the question or options and lose the mark
?? Do not mark the correct statements for the incorrect statements asked for or vice versa
?? Do not take it for granted that the answers for A/R or S1/S2 are always in the set order
??Do not leave the hall without checking the hall ticket number on OMR sheet
??Do not be complacent and take a chance in reaching the hall in time
Tips to improve accuracy in exam:
? Maintain cool composure and self confidence
? To answer in the order - first botany, zoology, chemistry and physics.
? To under line key word / words in the stem before reading the options.
? To read all the four options and find out whether one or more options involved in the correct answer and mark the answer.
? To answer the matching type questions, first identify the known matching set and check whether the same is there in any remaining options or not. Then verify the
lost set.
? To answer the A/R type questions do not blindly follow the set pattern. Read all the options and go in for the correct option.
? To answer the statement and link type questions, read all statements / columns and check the correct statements / links or incorrect statements / links and choose the appropriate answer.
? Be careful in marking the correct or incorrect statements / links.
? To answer sequence type questions, check whether the option asked for is ascending or descending order.
? Try to solve the complete paper before 10 minutes, so that final verification can be made before the OMR is handed over.
? Avoid over writing or impressions on OMR.