As the campus interviews are round the corner, It is the very important to understand the importance of the psychometric test .The reason been that most of the organizations are depending on these test to understand the candidates in a scientific about their job suitability. In this article let us try understanding what is psychometric and how organizations are using them. Psychometric tests have existed since the turn of the 19th century. And from then on they are widely used.
The British Psychological Society defines a psychometric test as ‘an instrument designed to produce a quantitative assessment of some psychological attribute s’.
Psychometric tests are basically tools for measuring the mind. A meaning of the word ‘metric’ is ‘measure’, and ‘psycho’ means ‘mind’.
In the last 25-30 years, psychometric tests have been brought into widespread use in industry because of the need by employers to ensure they place the right people in the right job from the outset. One of the main reasons to use these test is the today’s competitive environment. Psychometric test can measure various aspect of a person .There are about 50 human abilities that can be tested, such as general intelligence, Verbal, numerical and diagrammatic reasoning, spatial and mechanical aptitude, speed and accuracy of information processing; and well over 30 aspects of personality, ranging from sociability, tough-mindedness and anxiety, to flexibility, personal organization and creativity. They are also test on Communication, Emotional stability, assertiveness, attitude, reasoning, logical thinking, interest, talent and etc. In addition tests can be used to measure things like memory, reaction time, hand eye co-ordination, and color vision.
Employers are increasingly incorporating psychometric tests into assessment procedures both for selection of personnel and for development and counseling purposes. Psychometric tests are increasingly popular because they compare people in an objective way. Other methods, interviews, can be much more subjective as they depend on personal opinions. Everyone who takes a psychometric test is given the same questions and takes them under the same conditions, so nobody has an unfair advantage. There is good evidence that tests, which are professionally used and evaluated, can provide objective, reliable and relevant information concerning the likelihood of job success and satisfaction. Although an organization will not found its entire decision on the basis of an individual’s test results, the use of psychometric testing in selection is now well-established, and can be used to provide objective information about different areas of a candidate’s skills. Tests are carefully designed so that each person who completes a particular test has the same experience, i.e. They are presented with the same questions and have the same amount of time in which to answer them. When tests are used in selection procedure they are used to measure attributes, which are important in the performance of a particular job. These are typically abilities or aspects of personality, which have been found to distinguish between those who do the job well and those who perform less well. Results can then be used to match applicants to the ‘idea’ profile for a job or to discover if certain minimum requirements are met. One of the most important think about these tests is that is that they are nothing like good or bad/pass or fail. Hence we really have nothing to worry about. It a mirror image of what you are to the organization. We have to also understand that assessments are based on the combination of data from different sources.
Apart from organizational use psychometric test help us a lot to understand ourselves in a better way. They help us in clearly assessing ourselves in a competitive situation; Help us in knowing own strengths and weaknesses, select a career path for which we are suitable. And almost all the skills and abilities that individuals possesses.
Hence if we look at the recruitment process psychometric testing has gain a very important part. So you can face a psychometric test at any point in the selection process, therefore be prepared and be your self when you take such a test. In the coming article next month we will look at some of the preparations we need to do when we are taking these test.