The main brochure and the information brochure for the B.Tech. programme–2011, along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self–addressed envelope, can be obtained against cash payment of Rs.950/– from the various post offices as mentioned in the VIT website:
Candidates can obtain the application form in person from the VIT University at Vellore or from the Administrative Office, New No. 6, (Old No. W–73), Second Street (Opposite Towers Club), Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600 040 (Phone: 044–42016555, 65480555, Fax: 044–26222555), by handing over a Demand Draft for Rs.950/– drawn in favour of “VIT University”, payable at Vellore.
Candidates can also obtain the application form through post by sending a Demand Draft for Rs.950/–drawn in favour of “VIT University”, payable at Vellore, with a covering letter addressed to “Admissions Officer”, VIT University, Vellore–632014, requesting for the application form and indicating their complete postal address. On receipt of the DD, the application form with the enclosures will be sent by post. The postal charges will be borne by the Institute. Candidates should write their name and address on the reverse of the DD.