NEW DELHI: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has made major amendments in the regulations for deemed universities, taking away the element of subjectivity and adding new features that will reduce government interference. Most of the deemed universities (88 of 123) are privately managed while only 35 are government controlled.
To set up deemed university under de novo (new areas of learning), promoters will have to give a Letter of Intent. Be it private or government, a deemed university will have to be set up within three years. Earlier, deeemed status could be acquired only after setting up the institution.
At the same time, subjectivity has been taken away by specifying as how many departments and number of teachers will be required to get the status. Also, instead of making it mandatory to only fulfil land requirement, built-up area too has been specified. A deemed university will need 40 per cent open area and 60 per cent built-up area that give floor space of 10 sq meter per student.