Kakinada: The International Accreditation Council of Quality Education and Research (IACQER) has announced the selection of JNTU-Kakinada Vice-Chancellor Allam Appa Rao as its Distinguished Fellow and his nomination as the Honorary Chairman of the Governing Body of ‘IACQER Advanced Research Laboratory of Biosensors’ at Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatanam for three years. The IACQER awards are in recognition of Prof. Rao’s contributions to the field of biomedical engineering and efforts to promote R&D in colleges in the purview of JNTU-K. Prof. Rao will also be the Chief Managing Editor of the international journal ‘IACQER Transactions on Biomedical Engineering’. IACQER Honorary Director D.K. Gautam has sent a communication to this effect to the Vice-Chancellor last week, conveying the IACQER’s appreciation of his significant contributions in biomedical engineering and biotechnology