RAJAHMUNDRY: Intensive Remedial Coaching (IRC) for the unsuccessful degree students to facilitate them to complete graduation and acquire eligibility for jobs in the market will begin in the first week of November.
According to Ch. Kurmaiah, academic coordinator, and M.J. Moses, principal of Government (autonomous) Arts College, apart from IRC any student requires training in employability skills, the same will be provided through Jawahar Knowledge Centre platform.
The duration of IRC will be three months commencing from the first week of November. The Commissioner of Collegiate Education (CCE) has asked all the principals of degree colleges to arrange IRC at district level with academic coordinator of district nodal college as the coordinator and two or three principals as members, including the principal of the nodal college.
Target group
The target group will be BA, B.Sc. and B.Com students who failed in one or two subjects in March/April 2010 and appearing for April 2011 examination and present final year students having backlogs in first and second year subjects. No fee for these IRC classes will be collected and study material will be supplied.