TSEAMCET || Exam Date - 02-05-16 || APEAMCET || Exam Date - 29-04-16 ||
Bio - Technology is not a discipline by itself. It is an interdisciplinary science that comprises not only Biology but also subjects like Molecular Physics, Chemistry and Engineering. It is a conglomerate of various combined technologies applied to living cells for production of a particular product for enhancing its quality according to our preferences., an integrated approach applying knowledge and techniques drawn from Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics and Chemical Engineering to tackle problems in life sciences that cannot be handled through conventional methods.
a) Able to work independently. b) Scientific aptitude and a keen interest in the biological sciences. c) Able to work neatly and accurately flair for laboratory work. ,br> d) Problem solving, Information Technology skills, analysing and interesting skills.
A biotechnologist may be absorbed in Govt. Institutes and Organization such as Dept. of Bio-technology (DBT). The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology etc. Qualified biotechnologists are employed in leading Indian business houses and pharmaceutical companies, chemical industries, bioprocess industries, agriculture related industries and pollution control activities of the major industries etc. They can also join government and corporate-run research and development organizations. Employment opportunities are in research, production and marketing in the following fields: Medicine and healthcare, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Environment and industry
Education Fair - 2010 B.E. / B.Tech. -MBBS / BDS - MBA / MCA - B. Pharmacy Admissions - 040-27654225 kabconsultants.com/Fair.aspx
Career Counseling 1. What next? 2. Who is the right person to guide? 3. Which is the accurate stream for my child? kabconsultants.com/admissionshelp.aspx
Admission Guidance B.E. / B.Tech. - MBBS / BDS - MBA / MCA - B. Pharmacy Admissions - 040-27654225 kabconsultants.com/admissionshelp.aspx